Soul Whisperings Vlog #5 Our Soul and Money with Wendy Verwey

Our money story affects our lives in so many ways! Listen to Wendy's story of how she retired at the age of 41 (instead of 65 like most!) as a single mom. She is now a money mindset coach and helps people by using her F.R.E.E. framework to create a life she doesn't need a vacation from! She covers topics like: Your TRUE hourly wage, 3 questions to change your life and your relationship with money and redefining what success means to YOU! Wendy helps people find investments that align with what you want to see in the world. She helps you with small, manageable steps to make forward motion in your money story! Wendy has a podcast that is filled with juicy conversation around money and how better to change your life to make it a life you don't need a vacation from. Her podcast is FIRE Yourself First. FIRE stands for Financial Independence Retire Early and much of her work is based on the book Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez. You can find her at, where you can find ways to work with her to redesign your life in ways that align with who you are!


Soul Whisperings Vlog #6 Understanding Card Readings


Soul Whisperings, Vlog #4 - Rebuilding My Life